Interservice Postal Training Activity

Marine Corps Combat Service Support Schools
Combat Readiness Through Training

Train Marines in basic and supervisory postal skills involved in the operation of a Military Postal Facility for service in the operating forces and supporting establishments.

Creating the Marine Corps' best trained, most professional, postal managers through realistic and relevant training for service across the U.S. Marine Corps.

Marine Instructor

COM: 803-751-3536

Marine Admin Support

COM: 803-751-3215

On 5 May 1980 the Department of Defense designated the Army as the single manager for the Military Postal Service (MPS). HQ Army established the Military Postal Service Agency (MPSA) as a field operating agency with a Brigadier General as Executive Director with a joint service staff. The MPS is an extension of the United States Postal Service (USPS), and generally operates where the USPS does not. The former Military Mail Terminals of the Army and Fleet Post Offices of the Navy at New York and San Francisco were reorganized in September 1980 as Joint Military Postal Activities (JMPA) Atlantic and Pacific. The individual services continue to operate their own internal postal facilities, with policy and guidance from the MPSA through their MACOMs. The Interservice Postal School was established in the summer of 1982 at Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indiana under the Soldiers Support Institute (SSI) and moved to Fort Jackson South Carolina in 1995. The school is an Interservice Training Review Organization (ITRO) course hosted by the Army. The Postal School is staffed by military and civilian instructors from the United States Army, Marine Corps and Air Force. Service Agency (MPSA) as a field operating agency with a Brigadier General as Executive Director with a joint service staff. The MPS is an extension of the United States Postal Service (USPS), and generally operates where the USPS does not.

Entry Level Marine Students reporting from Marine Combat Training will report to Bravo Company, 369th AG BN; Bachelor Enlisted Quarters, building 2301, Sumter Avenue.

Entry Level Marine Students arriving from Marine Combat Training will NOT be authorized to operate or ride in any privately owned vehicles while assigned to the Inter-service Postal Training Activity. The local taxi services are authorized for use at the student's expense.

Advanced Marine Students on temporary additional duty (TAD) will report to the IHG Army Hotel, building 7550, Benning Road to check into billeting. Since there is no barracks available for Marine students on TAD orders, a Statement of Non-Availability must be requested from the Postal School prior to arriving. All students on TAD orders are individually responsible to establish their own lodging and transportation arrangements. The phone number to Army lodging is 1 (803) 782-9802.

Marine student personnel must have at a minimum the following uniform items:

  1. Desert Combat Utility Uniforms

  2. Woodland Combat Utility Uniforms

  3. Service 'A', 'B', 'C' Uniforms

  4. Combat Boots

  5. Marine Corps Running Suit

  6. Marine Corps Sweat Top and Bottom

  7. Multiple Green Skivvy Shirts

  8. Marine Corps All Weather Coat

  9. Wooly Pooly (green)

  10. Green PT Shorts with Glow Belt

  11. Running Shoes

Uniform items must be serviceable for wear. The combat utility uniform may be used for physical training as required.

ENTRY LEVEL STUDENTS - Entry level Marine FS Postal Operations student personnel reporting in from Marine Combat Training will wear the Service Alpha Uniform.

TAD STUDENTS - Marine students that are TAD attending the F4 Postal Supervisors Course will report in the prescribed combat utility uniform and will not need their Service 'A' uniform.

GRADUATION - Graduation uniforms will be in the prescribed combat utility uniform.

UNIFORM OF THE DAY - The combat utility uniform will be the uniform of the day Monday thru Friday. The Service 'C' or 'B' uniform will be worn the first Friday of every month unless otherwise dictated by the Director of the Inter-service Postal School.

Messing - is available for all enlisted students, SNCOs and officers on TDY orders from outside the local area will receive per diem based on billeting location or as directed on orders. IPTA does not issue non-availability statements for messing.

Marine students that desire to receive mail while at the Inter-service Postal Training Activity may use the below addresses:

Mailing address (USPS):

FORT JACKSON, SC 29207-7050

Physical Address (FEDEX, UPS, OHL):

FORT JACKSON, SC 29207-7050

All Marine students are required to be in compliance with the Marine Corps physical fitness standards while attending the Inter-service Postal Training Activity. Upon arrival all entry level Marine students reporting from Marine Combat Training will be administered an inventory physical fitness test. Failure to meet the Marine Corps physical fitness standards as cited in references (a), (b) and (c) will be subject to administrative action.

(a)     MCCSSS Student SOP
(b)     MCO 6100.13 W/CH l
(c)     MCO 6110.3 W/ CH l

Postal Operation Course - Marine students attending the F5 Postal Operations Course will PT Monday, Wednesday and Friday unless otherwise directed by the MARDET Chief.

Postal Supervisors Course - Students attending the F4 Postal Supervisors Course will PT as directed by the MARDET Commander.
Director's Run - The "Director's Run" is scheduled for every first Wednesday of the month. Every Marine is required to be in attendance unless otherwise instructed by the MARDET Commander.

HOURS - The Inter-service Postal Training Activity hours are: Monday-Friday 0830-1700

EXTRA ASSISTANCE - Students who request extra assistance on any course material must notify their instructors in advance so that schedule changes can be made accordingly.

ELIMINATION FROM THE COURSE - Multiple test failures, lack of motivation, etc. may be cause for elimination from the course. All cases for elimination will be determined by the Inter-service Postal School Director.

CLASS HONORS - Only enlisted students may compete for class honors in the Postal Operations Course. The Supervisor's Course does not have honors recognition. Any negative counseling or test failures will be an automatic disqualifier for class honors. The top 20% of the class will be recognized as follows:

Distinguished Honor Graduate - Highest overall grade point average.

Honor Graduate - Second highest grade point average.

Adjutant General Commandant's List - Next highest grade point average.

APPOINTMENTS AND MAKE UP TRAINING - Appointments and make up training will be brought to the Instructor's attention. Appointments ought to be kept to a minimum; however should this situation arise instructors will make arrangements with the student for make­up training.


An instructor-led, five week course that trains students of all branches of service (E-1 thru O-4) in the basic skills required to perform duties as a postal clerk. The course consists of the 12 lessons listed below:

77.5 hours of Finance Operations

  • Accept Domestic Mail (DM 1)

  • Accept Domestic Mail Requiring Special Services (DM 2)

  • Accept International Mail

  • Maintain Stamp Stock

  • Conduct Money Order Business

 109.5 hours of Mail Processing Operations

  • Process Registered Mail

  • Process Mail

  • Prepare Claims and Inquiry Forms

  • Prepare Transportation Documents

  • Conduct Postal Directory Functions

  • Operate a Postal Service Center

  • Maintain Postal Supplies


A two week and four day course that trains students from all branches of the service for the grades of E-5 thru O-4, in the management and supervisory skills required to perform duties as a postal supervisor. Students are trained in the following:

  • Identification of Military Postal Service Responsibilities

  • Contingency Postal Operations

  • Postal Incidents

  • Assume Custodian of Postal Effects Responsibilities/Meter/Scales

  • Point of Sale (POS)

  • Inspect a Military Post Office

  • Automated Military Postal System (AMPS)


The Reserve Finance Operations Phase I

77.5 academic hours

  • Accept Domestic Mail (DM 1)

  • Accept Domestic Mail Requiring Special Services (DM 2)

  • Accept International Mail

  • Maintain Stamp Stock

  • Conduct Money Order Business

Reserve Mail Processing Operations Phase II 

109.5 hours of Mail Processing Operations

  • Process Registered Mail, Process Mail

  • Prepare Claims and Inquiry Forms

  • Prepare Transportation Documents

  • Conduct Postal Directory Functions

  • Operate a Postal Service Center

  • Maintain Postal Supplies

Marine Corps Combat Service Support Schools